
Paintings are done with watercolor. Subjects usually are grounded in nature and include various flora, fauna, and fairies.

Prices available upon request.

Fairies Lost

Recently I read an article about the Xerses Blue a butterfly that went extinct in the San Fransico Bay area of the US. I was so moved by this that I began a series of paintings depicting fairies based on butterflies that have gone extinct in the last 100 years around the world. Each painting includes the wing design of the butterfly, the food plant or host plant of that butterfly and the people of the country where they used to be found.

The loss of these butterflies is horrific and a tangible warning  of climate change and habitat loss.

If you know of an extinct butterfly, the reintroduction of butterflies or study butterflies and their conservation I would appreciate hearing from you.

Extinction Date: 1943 San Francisco USA

Xerces blue (Glaucopsyche Xerces)

Food Plant: Birds-foot Trefoil (Lotus Formosissimus)

Inspired By: Japanese American Children bound for Internment camps

(12 x 16) Watercolor

Fairy Queens

Beautiful, ephemeral, endangered describes both butterflies and drag queens. Extinct and Red-Listed Endangered Butterflies inspired by the world’s most fabulous drag queens. As the Drag Race anthem says, “Drag Queens Save The World!”

Extinction Date: 1997 San Diego CA USA.

Quino checkerspot butterfly (Euphydryas editha quino).

Food Plant:Chinese houses (Collinsia concolor).

Inspired by: RuPaul.

(12 x 16) Watercolor.

Philly Pharies

Celebrating the butterflies native to Philadelphia and the people who have lived there.


Flora and Fauna