Paintings are done with watercolor. Subjects usually are grounded in nature and include various flora, fauna, and fairies.
Prices available upon request.
Fairies Lost
Recently I read an article about the Xerses Blue a butterfly that went extinct in the San Fransico Bay area of the US. I was so moved by this that I began a series of paintings depicting fairies based on butterflies that have gone extinct in the last 100 years around the world. Each painting includes the wing design of the butterfly, the food plant or host plant of that butterfly and the people of the country where they used to be found.
The loss of these butterflies is horrific and a tangible warning of climate change and habitat loss.
If you know of an extinct butterfly, the reintroduction of butterflies or study butterflies and their conservation I would appreciate hearing from you.
Extinction Date: 1943 San Francisco USA
Xerces blue (Glaucopsyche Xerces)
Food Plant: Birds-foot Trefoil (Lotus Formosissimus)
Inspired By: Japanese American Children bound for Internment camps
(12 x 16) Watercolor
Extinction Date: 1943 San Francisco USA Xerces blue (Glaucopsyche xerces) Food Palnt: Cherry Blossom (Prunus ilicifolia ssp. lyonii) Inspired By: Ohlones Tribe (9 x 12) Watercolor.
Extinction Date: 1906 Jamaica. Jamaican Sunset Moth (Urania sloanus) Food Plant: Jamaican Pop Nut (Omphalea triandra) Inspired by: Rastafarian Child (9 x 12) Watercolor
Extinction Date: 1909 Netherlands. Danish Clouded Apollo (Parnassius Mnemosyne). Food Plant: Hollow Root (Corydalis cava). Inspired by: Danich Children of the early 1900s. (9 x 12) Watercolor.
Extinction Date: 1915 Fenlands UK. Large Copper Dispar (Lycaena dispar). Food Plant: Great Water Dock (Rumex hydrolapathum). Inspired by: Descriptions of Tom Sawyer. (9 x 12) Watercolor.
Extinction Date: 1925 London UK. Black Veined White (Aporia crataegi). Food Plant: Red Clover (Trifolium pratense). Inspired by: Farm Women of the 1920s. (9 x 12) Watercolor.
Extinction Date: 1955 Crete, Greece. Peacock Butterfly (Aglais Io). Food Plant: Bramble (Rubus ulmifolius). Inspired by: Dance Costumes of Crete. (9 x 12) Watercolor.
Extinction Date: 1960 Northern Ireland. Irish Large Tortoiseshell (Nymphalis polychloros). Food Plant: Crab Apple (Malus sylvestris). Inspired by: 1960s Children of Northern Ireland. (9 x 12) Watercolor.
Extinction Date: 1962 Tehechape, CA USA. Unsilvered Fritillary (Speyeria adiaste atossa). Food Plant: Wild Violet (Viola adunca). Inspired by: Tehachapi Indian nation. (9 x 12) Watercolor.
Extinction Date: 1972 Uttarakhand India. Great Yellow Sailer (Neptis radha). Food Plant: Malvaceae flower. Inspired by: Kuchipudi Dancers. (9 x 12) Watercolor.
Extinction Date: 1974 Singapore. Wavy Mapelet (Chersonesia rahria). Food Plant: Powderpuff Plant (Calliandra surinamensis). Inspired by: Singapore Fashion of the 1970s. (9 x 12) Watercolor.
Extinction Date: 1976 UK. Chequered Skipper (Carterocephalus palaemon). Food Plant: Jacob’s Ladder (Polemonium). Inspired by: 1970s UK Fasion. (9 x 12) Watercolor.
Extinction Date: 1979 American Samoa. Samoan Swallowtail (Papilio godeffroyi/Samoan pepe ae). Food Plant: Lime Berry Tree (Micromelum minutum). Inspired by: Samoan Warrior Dance. (9 x 12) Watercolor.
Extinction Date: 1979 Netherlands. Dutch Alcon Blue (Phengaris alcon arenaria). Food Plant: Crossed-leaf Heath (Erica Tetralix). Inspired by: Dutch fashions of the 1970s. (9 x 12) Watercolor.
Extinction Date:1980 NY Persius Duskywing (Erynnis persius persius) Food Plant: Wild lupine (Lupinus perennis) Inspired by: Brennan Lee Mulligan (9 x 12) Watercolor
Extinction Date: !986 Island of Madeira Portugal. Madeiran Large White (Pieris brassicae wollastoni). Food Plant: nasturtium (Tropaeolum majus). Inspired by: Traditional Madeiran Garb. (9 x 12) Watercolor.
Extinction Date: 1992 New York City USA. Karner blue (Lycaeides melissa samuelis). Food Plant: Wild Blue Lupine (Lupinus perennis). Inspired by My Children. (9 x 12) Watercolor.
Extinction Date: 1995 Rota N. Marianas Islands. Mariana Wandering (Vagrans egistina). Food Plant: Luluhut (Maytenus thompsonii). Inspired by: Chamorro Dancers. (9 x 12) Watercolor.
Extinction Date: 2001 Queensland Australia Australian fritillary (Argynnis hyperbius inconstans) Food Plant: Arrowhead violet (Viola betonicifolia) Inspired by: Robert and Bindi Irwin (9 x 12) Watercolor
Extinction Date: 2006 Korea. Red Spotted Apollo (Parnassius bremeri Bremer). Food Plant: Thyme (Thymus bracteata). Inspired by: 1990s Korean Children’s Fashion. (9 x 12) Watercolor.
Extinction Date: 2010 Limpopo South Africa. Waterberg Copper (Erikssonia edgei). Food Plant: Ruby Gnidia (Gnidia rubescens). Inspired by: Limpopo Dancers. (9 x 12) Watercolor.
Extinction Date: 2020 Ogasawara Japan. Ogasawara Holly Blue (Celastrina ogasawaraensis). Food Plant: Japanese Snowberry (Symphoricarpos). Inspired by: Jpop Groups. (9 x 12) Watercolor.
Extinction Date: 2023 Sao Paulo Brazil. Fluminense Swallowtail (Parides ascanius). Food Plant: Brazilian vervain (Verbena brasiliensis). Inspired by: Terena people of Brazil. (9 x 12) Watercolor.
Fairy Queens
Beautiful, ephemeral, endangered describes both butterflies and drag queens. Extinct and Red-Listed Endangered Butterflies inspired by the world’s most fabulous drag queens. As the Drag Race anthem says, “Drag Queens Save The World!”
Extinction Date: 1997 San Diego CA USA.
Quino checkerspot butterfly (Euphydryas editha quino).
Food Plant:Chinese houses (Collinsia concolor).
Inspired by: RuPaul.
(12 x 16) Watercolor.
Extinction Date: 1965 Taiwan Juvian Large Crow (Euploea phaenareta juvia) Food Plant: Sea mango tree (Cerbera manghas) Inspired by: Nymphia Wind (9 x 12) Watercolor.
Extinction Date: 1989 Vietnam. Kaiser-I-Hind (Teinopalpus imperialis). Food Plant: Magnolia Grandis (Magnolia grandiflora). Inspired by: Plastique Tiara. (9 x 12) Watercolor.
Extinction Date:2008 Vancouver Island Canada Island Marble butterfly (Euchloe ausonides insulanus) Food Plant: Wild Buttercup (Ranunculus repens) Inspired by: Brooklyn Hytes (9 x 12) Watercolor)
Extinction Date: 2011 Puerto Rico Puerto Rican Harlequin (Atlantea tulita) Food Plant: Liana Fragante (Amphilophium lactiflorum) Inspired by: Vanessa Vanjie Mateo
Extinction Date: 2012 Vietiane Laos. Lao windmill (Byasa Laos). Food Plant: Rhododendron veitchianum. Inspired by: Jujubee. (9 x 12) Watercolor.
Extinction Date:2012 France Scarce Large Blue (Phengaris teleius) Food Plant: Dahlia (Dahlia collarette) Inspired by: Nicky Doll (9 x 12 Watercolor)
Extinction Date: 2012 New Jersey USA Acadian hairstreak (Satyrium acadica) Food Plant: Purple Milkweed (Asclepias purpurascens) Inspired By: Michelle Visage
Red List Date Date: 2018 Mexico Oaxacan Swallowtail (Papilio esperanza) Food Plant: Cloiudforest Magnolia (Magnolia Dealbata) Inspired by: Gala Varo
Extinction Date: 2023 New York City Bog Buck Moth (Hemileuca Maia Menyanthevora) Food Plant: Bog Buckbean (Menyanthes Trifoliata) Inspired By: Monet X Change
Extinction Date: 1925 UK Black Veined White (Aporia crataegi) Food Plant: Field Scabious (Knautia arvensis) The Vivian
Extinction Date: 2004 Ohio Regal Fritillary (Speyeria Idalia Food Plant: Purple Coneflower (Echinacea Purpurpea) Inspired By: Nina West Storytime
Red List Date: 2010 Key West Florida Miami Blue (Cyclargus Bethunebakeri) Food Plant: Peacock Flower (Caesalpinia Pulcherrima) Inspired By: Alexis Mateo
Extinction Date: 1968 California Sonoran blue (Philotes sonorensis) Food Plant: Lanceleaf liveforever (Dudleya lanceolata) Inspired by: Ongina
Philly Pharies
Celebrating the butterflies native to Philadelphia and the people who have lived there.
Cabbage White (Pieris rapae) Smooth blue aster (Symphyotrichum laeve) Linne-Lanape Girl
Eastern Tiger Swallowtail (Papilio glaucus) Morrow's honeysuckle (Lonicera morrowii) Linne-Lenape Boy
Painted Lady (Vanessa cardui ) Ironweed (Vernonia noveboracensis) Linne-Lanape girl
Red-spotted purple (Basilarchia Astyanax) Wild Crabapple (Malus coronaria) Colonial Girl
Pipevine Swallowtail (Battus philenor) Viper's bugloss (Echium vulgare) Victorian Girl
uestion mark (Polygonia interrogationis) Sweet Pepper (Clethra alnifolia) Philadelphia's Chinatown Founding Boy
Mourning cloak (Nymphalis antopa) Shasta Daisey (Leucanthemum × superbum) Ruby Bridges City Year Philadelphia Honoree 2019
ummer Azure (Celastrina neglecta) Sneezeweeds (Helenium autumnale) 1960s Teen Girl
Queen (Danaus gilippus) FrogFruit (Phyla lanceolata) 2004 Girl
Falcate Orangetip (Anthocharis midea) Food Plant:Appalachian blue violets (Viola appalachiensis) Inspired by: Polish Mill Worker 1910
Whirlabout (Polites vibex) Food Plant: shepherd\'s needle (Scandix pecten-veneris) Inspired by: Swedish Milk Maid 1800
Long-tailed Skipper (Urbanus proteus) Food Plant: Wisteria frutescens Inspired by: Amish boy
Morpho Butterfly Alaina (12 x 16) Watercolor
Small pearl-bordered fritillary Scotland (12 x 16) Watercolor
Ghost Owl Moth Japan (12 x 16) Watercolor
Kamehameha Butterfly Hawaii (12 x 16) Watercolor
Amanda's Blue Korea (12 x 16) Watercolor
Amethyst (12 x 16) Watercolor
Christy (12 x 16) Watercolor
Jun (12 x 16) Watercolor
Jayden (12 x 16) Watercolor
Kayden (12 x 16) Watercolor
Luna (9 x 12) Watercolor
Parvâneh (12 x 16) Watercolor
Roman (12 x 16) Watercolor
Shepherd's Fritilliary Slovakia (12 x 16) Watercolor
Dragon's Hoard (9 x 12) Watercolor
Winter (5 x 7) Mixed Media
Autum (5 x 7) Mixed Media
Spring (5 x 7) Mixed Media
Summer (5 x 7) Mixed Media
Flora and Fauna
Chipmunk (9 x 12) Watercolor
Pretty in Pink Frog (9 x 9) Watercolor
Frog Pair (9 x 12) Watercolor
Grumpy Frog ( 9 x 12) Watercolor
Froggy Love (9 x 12) Watercolor
Shy Frog (9 x 12) Watercolor
Green Gecko (12 x 16) Watercolor
Domestic Nest (9 x 12) Watercolor
Mid Flutter (9 x 12) Watercolor
Shady Nest (9 x 12) Watercolor
Sunset Hummingbird (9 x 12) Watercolor
ʻAkiapolaʻau Hawaiian honeycreeper (9x12 Watercolor)
Ducks to Dawn (9 x12) Mixed Media
First Bath (8 x 8) Watercolot
Great Horned Owl (9 x 12) Watercolor
Breaching For Joy (9 x 12) Pastels
Polar Bears 01 (9 x x12) Watercolor Wash over Acrylic
Polar Bears 02 (9 x 12) Mixed Media

Earth Mother: Africa (9 x 12) Mixed Media
Earth Mother: Americas (9 x 12) Mixed Media
Earth Mother: Europe (9 x 12) Mixed Media
Earth Mother: Asia (9 x 12) Mixed Media
Fallen Angel (9 x 12) Charcoal